How to join our Discord community?

Learn how to join our team & fellow pros on Discord

Krew Support

Last Update 3 years ago

We strongly encourage you to join our Fitness Professionals community on Discord. We created this community so you can share any feedback, feature requests, or connect with other fitness professionals.

Click here to join us on Discord. It's super easy to join (follow the instructions on the screen), but in case you struggle you can follow the video tutorial we prepared for you. The tutorial will lead you through the registration process and teach you how to use Discord (post in channels and message our team members)

Once you join our community on Discord you will gain access to two channels:

General: Use it to engage with Krew team members or fellow trainers, ask general questions or ask for non-product related advice. We will be sharing useful tips and tricks, industry trends and marketing materials in the general channel as well.

Product: Use it to share feedback, request features, report technical issues or ask product-related questions.

Feel free to message our team members directly if you have any questions or need urgent help.

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