What types of sessions can I create on Krew?

Krew Support

Last Update 3 years ago

There are three main types of sessions you can create on Krew:

1. Live-streamed sessions: 

Live streamed sessions are streamed in real-time and you can see and hear all participants in your virtual studio. You can host group classes with up to 50 participants or 1:1 sessions of any duration. You can also decide if your sessions are public or private. Private sessions don't appear in our explore page, and can only be accessed by people you invite. All live-streamed sessions can either be free or paid.

To learn all about Krew live-streamed sessions click here.

2. Video on-demand sessions: 

If you already have pre-recorded content you can upload it directly to your content wall and start charging for it right away. This is a great choice for customers who can't make it to your live classes or who prefer the flexibility of choosing when to work-out.

To learn all about Krew video-demand click here.

Recording on-demand videos in your Krew studio

Pro tip: You can use your Krew studio room to record on-demand content, and layer our pose correction technology onto your videos. This will give you a competitive edge and assurance that your customers are performing the exercises correctly. To use your studio room as a recording space, all you have to do is to enter the studio alone, when there are no session scheduled and start recording. Once the recording is finished you will get an email with a choice to upload it to your wall or share the link with your customers. You can find the recording tutorial here.

3. In-person sessions: 

Schedule your in-person or hybrid classes by entering the location of your class in the session creation modal. In this way customers can book in-person classes through Krew and meet you at the location you listed. Managing your entire business from a single page- groundbreaking!

To learn all about Krew in-person and hybrid sessions click here.

On top of all this, you can use our Packages tool, to bundle different types of sessions and bolster customer loyalty. To learn more about packages click here.

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